Dallas Tweed Ride
Save the Date: The Official Dallas Tweed Ride, February 9th **Updated Date**
Be there or be square. I’m stoked.
10 Beautifully Designed Beer Products
It’s the Little Things:
5 Ways to Spend Less & Reduce Clutter
I was at Target the other day, and standing in front of me in line was a gentleman buying a plunger. That’s it. A plunger. While I really should have been feeling bad for him, because after all, the poor guy was out on a plunger run, I found myself staring at him in wonder, dazzled by his ability to get out of Target with only one darn thing.
Raise a glass at Dallas-area craft breweries, where tours are like little parties
Composer Duncan Sheik Gives New Information About American Psycho: The Musical
15 Remakes Worthy of Your Time
October is so far away. This should be cool.
Shane Pennington is one of the founders of Aurora. He did this amazing sculpture/installation in the Arts District.
I wrote about it…
Here – Piedras en el Hielo
Here – The Next Day
Here – Ice Melts in the Rain
Here – Ice Melts in the Sun
and here – A Week and a Day
30 of the Best Beer Can Designs