Channel: beer – Bill Chance
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What I learned this week, April 26, 2013


The Worst #1 songs of the 1980′s

The Worst #1 songs of the 1970′s

The Worst #1 songs of the 1960′s

Music is definitely getting worse over the years. There are a couple on the 1960′s list that I thought were pretty good songs (Downtown, Windy) but the other two…. Well, there’s one on the 1980′s that has sentimental value for me (Mickey, I can’t believe that made #1 – it really does suck) but otherwise that is a bunch of rank music. I would imagine that the 90′s and the ought’s would be even worse. What even makes a #1 song anymore anyway?

Creatures of Coherence: Why We’re So Obsessed With Causation

The Revolutionary Effect of the Paperback Book

This simple innovation transformed the reading habits of an entire nation

First Impressions are important.

It’s everybody’s nightmare to have a bad first day on the job. No matter how bad yours was – it was better than this guy’s.

It was also, of course, his last day on the job.

My road bike - an ancient Raleigh Technium.

My road bike – an ancient Raleigh Technium.

Seven Health Problems Eased by Exercise

Magazine Street, New Orleans

Magazine Street, New Orleans

I didn’t make it to this beer festival in Fort Worth – I still haven’t completely recoverd from the Big One at Fair Park a couple of weeks ago… But had I realized it was sponsored by Paste Magazine - one of my favorite things, I might have made the trip.

A big shout out to Lakewood Brewing (located only a couple miles from where I live) in this nice writeup.

Paste Untapped – Fort Worth, Texas

Accidental engineering: 10 mistakes turned into innovation

Trammell Crow Center and the Winspear Sunscreen

Trammell Crow Center and the Winspear Sunscreen

DALLAS is known for its conservative manner, an obsession with American football and oil—not so much for its culture. But recently, that has been changing.

Dallas Art Fair Cultivating culture

The lost algorithm

I’m glad to have stumbled across this article. I actually had a teacher (seventh grade, I think) spend a day or so and taught the class how to do square roots on paper. A skill that will be very useful when the zombie apocalypse comes and our calculators stop working. Oh, and if memory serves, after learning the square root method (the same one in the linked article, I remember “bringing down the next two”), we quickly went over a way to do cube roots. Only a couple of us could do that. I don’t remember how, which is cool… because who would ever have a reason to do cube roots on paper?

Five Statistics Problems That Will Change The Way You See The World

Quick Rant: Worst Name for a Restaurant in Dallas
You’ll have to click on the link to find out.

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